Body Aesthetics
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Op. Dr. Şükrü İşler
Hip aesthetics is an application that gives the desired shape to the butt and fills the lower and middle parts with an extremely soft transition in the waist area. Thanks to the hip aesthetic applications, the hips become fuller and the hips can have a rounded appearance. All surgical applications performed for aesthetic purposes on the hip area are also known as buttock aesthetics.
Especially in recent years, many women want to have a more aesthetic and smooth hip, which has made hip aesthetic applications extremely popular. Hip aesthetics, which allows you to have a more attractive appearance; It covers various operations performed on the waist, hips and buttocks. The main goal in hip aesthetic operation is to have an upright and smooth buttock. In this aesthetic application, a fit appearance is obtained by removing the excess in the waist or hip area. But hip aesthetic operations are not performed for a single purpose. Because some women want to get thinner in the hip area, while others want to have an upright appearance. In this operation performed with liposuction application, fat injection can be made to the upper parts if necessary.

Hip aesthetic operations are mostly applied for women who are not satisfied with the appearance of their hips or who have problems in this area. Individuals who want to have this operation should consult a doctor before the procedure. Because in this way, they have the opportunity to express why they want to have this operation and in what sense they want to get help.
● Application with Fat Injection: With this method, known as liposuction, fat is removed from the hips, waist and lower parts of the buttocks, thus a smooth appearance is obtained.
● Buttock Silicone: If liposuction is insufficient, this method is used this time. The aim is to make the hip become more upright.
● Buttock Lift: This method is applied for women who were overweight before but became weaker later on. The main purpose of the application of this method is to eliminate the excess skin caused by the weight loss.
Which of these operations performed with different methods will be applied depends on the condition of the person who will have the operation and the decision of the doctor.
People who do not have any inconveniences for the application also vary according to the type of operation. Patients requiring silicone prosthesis should be suitable for surgical procedures. In other words, they are the patient groups that should not be inconvenienced in getting anesthesia. The same is true for fat injection and liposuction methods. However, since general anesthesia is not required for the filling material, patients who do not experience allergic problems, who do not receive medication, who are not pregnant or breastfeeding are suitable.
A stretching operation is required for the buttocks that have lost their erection and sagging due to rapid and excessive weight loss, postbariatric surgery and age. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. An overnight hospital stay is recommended. It is possible to return to normal life 15 days after the operation. Heavy sports should be avoided for 45 days after the operation. Light sports such as walking and cardio can be done after the 1st month. The only disadvantage of the butt lift-lift surgery is the scarring, as in the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) operations. These scars may fade over time and become vague.
Patients may need to stay in the hospital for up to one day after hip aesthetic surgery. Three days after the hip aesthetic operation, the patient can start taking a shower. The sutures made during the operation are usually under the skin. Therefore, there is no need to remove the sutures. It is recommended to use a corset for the first three weeks after the operation. If the surgery was performed with butt prostheses, it is useful to be extremely careful while sitting and standing. Apart from these, you can start light exercises in the 3rd week after the operation and at the end of the 6th week, you can do all the activities.