Breast Aesthetics
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Op. Dr. Şükrü İşler
Breast sagging, softness and deformation are among the most sensitive issues for women. Breast tissue, which does not contain muscle in its structure and consists entirely of sebaceous and milk glands, loses its old fresh and upright appearance due to gravity, aging, frequent weight gain, childbirth, breastfeeding, use of wrong bras. In this respect, it causes women to be restless and pushes them to seek various solutions.

In breast lift surgery, the patient is examined on an outpatient basis. Nipple location and amount of mammary gland are measured. The patient’s expectations are evaluated. If there is a slight sagging, if the amount of mammary gland is at an acceptable level, the breast becomes fuller and upright with the silicone breast prosthesis placed under the mammary gland. If the sagging is too much and the amount of mammary gland is sufficient, it is recovered similar to breast reduction techniques. If the sagging is excessive and the amount of mammary gland is insufficient, both a silicone prosthesis is placed on the breast and the breast augmentation is performed. The size of the prosthesis placed under the breast and the recovery rate of the breast skin are decided during the surgery.
In particular, blood thinners and foods should be avoided and smoking should be avoided. If any breast disease that may hinder the surgery is detected, this condition should be treated first.
On the other hand, as in all aesthetic surgeries, blood thinners such as aspirin or regular green tea consumption should be discontinued before the surgery, necessary tests should be done in terms of general anesthesia, and the operation stage should be started after confirming that the person is physically and psychologically ready for the surgery.
Oral feeding is started 4 hours after the breast lift surgery and 4 hours later, one can stand up. You stay in the hospital for one night and the drains are removed the next day or 1-2 days later.
A special bra and corset that keeps the breasts stable and does not press on the suture lines is used for at least 2 months. It takes 7-10 days to change dressings and take a bath. Special creams are used for the incision lines and care is taken to be protected from the sun for at least 1 year until the scars take their final form.
The breast appearance seen after the bandages are removed is not the final state of the breast. In the first weeks, the lower pole of the breast appears flatter and tighter, and the upper pole appears more swollen. In the following months, the breast begins to loosen with the effect of gravity and takes on a more natural appearance.
Yes, it can be done, in most cases where an erection is required, there is also a serious loss of breast volume, and it must be supported with a silicone implant.
Ice compress treatment is started immediately after surgery. An athlete's bra is worn. After 24-48 hours after the operation, the drains placed in the operation are removed. A shower can be taken 1 or 2 days after they are removed. Stitches are removed after 15 days. The athlete's bra should be worn continuously for 4 weeks. This bra reduces the patient's perception of pain, makes him feel more confident. At first, the breasts that are edematous become more and more shaped. It takes about 8-10 weeks for the breast to take its final shape.